Introduction to Feng Shui

In today’s media has played a significant role in popularizing Feng Shui, leading many to have a basic understanding of it while also sparking widespread debate and, at times, extreme superstition. Why do I say some people are superstitious? Because they do not truly understand this discipline, nor have they studied it in depth, making it difficult for them to distinguish between good and bad fortune.

Feng Shui is not something that can be explained in a few words, nor is it a subject that every learner can fully grasp. For example, some believe that sharp corners in a space create negative energy (often referred to as “blade mouth sha”), but that does not mean that all areas facing sharp corners are uninhabitable. The impact of such Feng Shui elements depends on specific conditions and formations.

Another common misunderstanding is about color symbolism. A Feng Shui master was once asked why black is associated with water, and he replied that it was because there is a “Black River” in the north. However, in reality, water itself is colorless. The reason black represents water in Feng Shui is due to the Five Elements theory: water is associated with the north (坎), and fire with the south (離). Water symbolizes darkness, while fire represents brightness, which is why black is traditionally used to represent water. These examples illustrate how Feng Shui is often misinterpreted due to hearsay and misinformation.

Some Feng Shui masters exaggerate their claims, suggesting that arranging Feng Shui layouts can make a person wealthy. This is nothing more than a myth. If Feng Shui alone could bring wealth, then poverty would not exist. The correct perspective is that Feng Shui serves as a supporting factor. When someone is in a favorable life cycle, good Feng Shui can enhance their success, making things easier and more productive. Conversely, during periods of misfortune, proper Feng Shui adjustments can mitigate negative effects. However, ultimately, success and prosperity depend on one’s destiny. This aligns with the traditional saying: “Fate comes first, luck comes second, and Feng Shui comes third.”

In conclusion, those who wish to study Feng Shui should explore different schools of thought, analyze various theories, and, most importantly, practice and verify their findings. A true Feng Shui master cannot be formed solely through book knowledge; practical experience is essential!

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